pokemon league of sinnoh
the elite academy
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The Pokemon League of Sinnoh Elite Academy Trainer graduates are the movers and shakers of the Pokemon World. Few gym leaders, Elites, and frontier brains have earned their position without a certification from an Elite Academy. After receiving your acceptance letter to Sinnoh Elite Academy, it’s your turn to be the very best, like no one ever was.

Elite Academy is a statless, literate Pokemon college role play. Students are limited to one Pokemon at the start and may gain more as they progress. We strive to create a literate, collaborative, creative environment where people respect one another and have fun.
a statless pokemon role play
Cityscapes Premade Theme Punki of Adoxography & Pixel Perfect
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year 2020
MAY 26TH, 2019
We just wrapped up our first Activity Check! As we move forward, the Fall Festival event will be up a while longer. Anticipate some exciting changes coming soon. Thanks for sticking with us!

If you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions for the site, don't be afraid to send any of that to Fox or Lyro. We're always improving!
classes as of APRIL 8th

Haruyama, Yoizuki

RPG Initiative RPG-D